Here’s an example of effective branding in action…
Last night, I and my much-better half went to see her brother Doug’s band Portland Cello Project perform at Le Poisson Rouge in Greenwich Village.

The lineup consisted of six cellists (one of which is Doug), one drummer (who has played with Prince and Stevie Wonder), one bass player, one trumpeter (who has played with Bootsy Collins and George Clinton), one French horn player, and singer Patti King (keyboard player for The Shins).
This collection of brilliant musicians are versed in classical music, alternative rock, jazz, and other genres. They played covers of David Bowie, Dizzy Gillespie, Duke Ellington, Elliott Smith, and the entire Radiohead album OK Computer. Here’s a taste:
As if THAT wasn’t enough to bake your noodle, the opening act was a gifted cellist and opera singer named Laura Wolf. I can only describe her as Bjork meets Imogen Heap meets a cello. Her music was both haunting and moving. Here’s a video of her amazing work:
I haven’t experienced that much joy from listening to music since we saw Postmodern Jukebox in concert. I blogged about that amazing concert here.
In last year’s blog about Postomodern Jukebox, I talked about talent. This time, let’s talk about effective branding. Both PCP and Laura Wolf have blended their talents, their passions, and various musical genres to create something new. They innovated and dove into the deep end. The results were spectacular.
As voice talents, we can take a lesson from this. If you want to create effective branding:
Explore your talent. Determine which genres of voiceovers you can do well, really well. Then get better!
Explore your passions. Figure out which types of products, services, and companies you feel strongly about. See if you can connect your passions with the genres you excel at.
Be innovative. Easier said than done, I know. Here is a perfect example of effective branding in action. Voice talent Ian Fishman produced an eLearning demo to capitalize on the ever-growing cannabis industry: the “High-End Voiceover”. You can check it out here.
Remember, there is a metric ton of voice talent out there who are competing for the attention of voice seekers. All things being equal, effective branding may make the difference.
My recording setup is back on track! I got a Steinberg UR 12 interface and so far it’s working perfectly.
Thursday, October 25th @8PM EST: My next Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar will be “Keeping Clients Coming Back”. We’re going to talk about the real secret to making clients cast you again and again. Click here to sign up.
SOLD OUT Sunday, November 4th @2PM EST: At Soundvine Studios in Manhattan I will lead the workshop “Learning to do eLearning”. To get on the waiting list, PM me with the subject line “Add Me!”
Tuesday, November 6th @8PM EST: My next Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar will be “Thriving in a Smaller Market City”. Click here to sign up.
November 9-11: MAVO 2018 is just a few weeks away! There are less than 20 slots left so there’s still time to take part of this amazing conference! Click here to sign up.
Thursday, November 15th @8PM EST: My next Edge Studio Business and Money 201 webinar will be “Managing Your Money”. We’ll talk about how to think, earn, spend, and save money like a business. Click here to sign up.
Happy Bologna Day and Map Reading Week!

From my village to yours; this is Tom Dheere, The H is Silent, but I’m Not.
Tom Dheere is a 20+year veteran of the voice over industry who has narrated thousands of projects for hundreds of clients in over a dozen countries. He is also voiceover business consultant known as the VO Strategist and is currently producing the comic book “Agent 1.22”.