Have you set your 2020 goals yet? Well, it is 2020 now so you may wanna get on that.
Shockingly, I have already set my 2020 goals. I’ll share some of them with you broken down by the five categories of your voiceover business. As if I’d do it any other way…
Cash Flow – Improve my financial portfolio/revenue allocation system. I’m looking at new ways to manage my money month-to-month as well as further diversify my retirement portfolio.
Tools – Add an eLearning page to TomDheere.com. I want a better landing page than my home page when directing eLearning voice seekers to my website.
Technique – Choose one new genre to develop. I’m thinking either Political, Casino, or In-Show Narration.
Marketing – Focus more on LinkedIn to find & nurture new clients. I spend too much time on Facebook & Instagram and I have 4,000+ connections on LinkedIn so that’s a lot of potential voice seekers.
Health – Lose ten pounds. That pretty much sums it up.
Here’s a template to help you set your 2020 goals:
Cash Flow – how much money can you realistically make, spend, and save in 2020?
Tools – what stuff do you need to improve your business?
Technique – Which genres are you going to focus on?
Marketing – Do you need to establish or update your brand?
Health – how are you going to improve yourself outside, inside, and upstairs?
Take this class! There are still a few seats left so don’t dilly-dally. Geez, now I sound like Johnny Heller…
Sunday, January 12th: The Voice Actors of NYC workshop, “Get Your *** Together for 2020”. In this in-person-only workshop, we will discuss how to build a voiceover business plan and set your goals for the New Year. Registration is live and donation-based classes sell out super-fast so click here to sign up!
If you don’t live in the NYC metro area, never fear! If I get enough interested parties I will host an online version of the workshop in the coming months. Let me know if you wanna get in on that!
Thursday, January 16th @8PM EST: My next Edge Studio Business and Money 201 webinar will be “Rates, Negotiating, and Billing”. We’re gonna talk about, well, rates, negotiating, and billing. Click here to sign up!
Wednesday, January 22nd @8:30 PM EST: The Edge Studio encore presentation of ‘Online Casting Sites’. In this special one-hour webinar, I’ll talk about the pros and cons of online casting sites in general and Pay-to-Play sites in particular. Click here to sign up!
Thursday, January 23rd @8PM EST: my next Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar will be “4 Words That Will Kill Your Marketing”. We’ll talk about how think like an effective marketer. Click here to sign up!
Saturday, February 1st, 2020 @2PM PST: I will be speaking LIVE at the Voice Actors Studio in sunny Las Vegas! The topic is “THE VOICEOVER BUSINESS AND HOW TO ACT LIKE IT”. If you live in the Las Vegas area there are still a few spots left! Click here to sign up!
Happy Tempura Day and Weigh-In Day! My 2020 goal is to lose 10 pounds. How about you?

Tom Dheere is a 20+year veteran of the voice over industry who has narrated thousands of projects for hundreds of clients in over a dozen countries. He is also a voiceover business & marketing consultant known as the VOStrategist and produces the comic book “Agent 1.22”.