Hello and Happy Thanksgiving/Hanukkah Week!
(yes, that’s a turkey Menorah!)
It’s the cooky-est time of year, ain’t it? Whatever you’re doing this year, be safe and get stuffed! (I mean that in a good way)
I am the voice of Party Poker! It’s a series of radio spots airing in New Jersey only. If you hear it, let me know!
The Voice Over Cafe Podcast’s 2013 NYC Holiday Bash is quickly approaching!If you haven’t already, please RSVP on the Facebook Event Page or PM me. We need a headcount!
Tom’s Tiki Lounge has sadly come to an end. I want to thank everyone who hung out in the lounge as well as John Florian and the amazing Voice Over Virtual staff. Great job, guys!
The end of the year is nigh! (Who uses the word nigh, anyway? I’m trying to bring it back…)
Anyway, 2014 is quickly approaching and now is the time to start figuring out how your year went. Did you hit your revenue goals? Did you improve your technique? Your tools? Your marketing? Your health? Did you have any goals in the first place? Tsk tsk.
If you felt like you got nothing done this year and you don’t know why, you’re not alone. Many of us get caught up in the day-to-day stuff, putting out fires, getting distracted, and wonder where all the time went. It’s hard to focus on those non-urgent but important tasks that always seem to fall by the wayside.
Here’s my pre-tip tip: use the holiday season to think about what worked for you this year and where the wheels came off. Were people pulling you in other directions? Were you too lazy or too scared to tackle the tough stuff? Did you not even know where to start? Think about it and write it down. Then, take that piece of paper and bring it to…
TIP OF THE WEEK: …my annual Edge Studio “Setting Goals for the New Year” webinar on Thursday, December 12 @ 8:00 PM EST. I’m gonna talk about how to build a Mission Statement, annual goals, and an Action Plan. Click here to register!

STUFF!: For the first time in my adult life, I will be going out to dinner for Thanksgiving! Why? Because I am hosting my annual Christmah-Hanna-Kwanzaa dinner and they’re only four days apart. That is WAY too much cooking in too little time for my meager self. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, everybody!
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere: GKN News…