Hello and Happy Labor Day and Back-To-School Week! The commercialized summer season is over so now we’re all supposed to get back to work. I never stopped working, did you?
I got my first Eargasm review! Sounds gross, right? Eargasm is an audio book review site and they were kind enough to review “30 Rock and Philosophy“. Click here to check it out!
It’s that time of year! FaffCon 7 will be held September 18-21 in Tucson, Arizona and I am psyched beyond psyched!

For those of you who’ve never heard of it, FaffCon is a voiceover UN-conference (not United Nations, but UN as in not). That means there are no guest speakers, no vendors, no booths, just 100 veteran voice talents happy to share their knowledge with each other. We set the agenda and we decide what we want to discuss. Some attendees (like me) come with prepared seminars, others just have questions that turn into full-blown discussions. It sounds chaotic but it really isn’t.
Everyone writes down what they want to talk about on an index card. The organizers sort through them and put the cards on the Agenda Wall so every topic has a time and place.

Then the attendees decide which session to attend and voila! The un-conference is on it’s way. We discuss everything from rates to agents to home recording. Everyone comes prepared to share and the synergy in indescribable.
What makes this FaffCon even cooler than previous FaffCons is that this year they’re offering a “Choose Your Own Adventure” Field Trip. I’m doing the Sunset Horseback Riding and the Sonoran Spa Package. And yes, I’ll make sure to get pics of me riding off into the sunset and lying on a beach chair with cucumbers in my eyes. You know you wanna see it…
TIP OF THE WEEK: If you want to attend FaffCon 7, alas, it sold out in less than 24 hours. THAT’S how popular it is. But don’t fret! FaffCAMP is happening in San Antonio on March 19-22, 2015. FaffCamp is a more structured version of FaffCon that isn’t limited to 100 participants. Voice talents of all levels of experience can attend as well as agents, casting directors, vendors, sound engineers, and anyone else in the voiceover industry.
If you have any questions about FaffCon or FaffCamp, just ask! I’ve been to five Faff events and I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions. If you want to know about how to be a sponsor or vendor for FaffCamp, just email faffy@nullfaffcon.com. I can tell you right now that Faffing has changed my life!

Own up to your problems, tell the truth and they will become part of your past. Lie and they become part of your future. Rick Pitino
STUFF!: This past week I saw “Battleship” and “The Lego Movie“. Battleship was a bad but fun film about a game and the Lego Movie was an awesomely awesome film about a toy. Holy Childhood Flashbacks, Batman!
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere: GKN News…