Hello and welcome back! Or should I say, welcome me back. I took a week off of blogging so I could recover from FaffCon6 (in a good way!).

I needed time to reflect on the experience and gather my thoughts. And catch up on email. And sleep. And hydration. And sleep.
On the way to San Antonio I visited my brother and his family in Meqsuite, Texas.

That’s my niece Jayden at Babe’s Chicken Dinner House in Garland. Ain’t she cute? If you ever go to the Dallas area you gotta hit this place!
Then I took a bus to Austin and met up with my pal Trish Basanyi. We had lunch downtown at Manuel’s (great margaritas & tacos BTW!) and then took a bus to San Antonio. Thanks for picking us up, Sean Caldwell and CC Heim! I partied hearty at the hotel with the hardcore Frequent Faffers who always fly in early. That’s one of my favorite parts of FaffCon: that moment when you walk into the hotel lounge and you see a couple dozen of your favorite people on the planet and they’re all happy to see you!

Friday was Opening Circle where the Golden Goddess of FaffCon, Amy Snively, welcomed us and got us all pumped up for the events to come (like we need to get even more excited!).
After that was the live recording of the Voice Over Cafe Podcast! We had a fantastic crowd and I need to send a huge thank you to Peter O’Connell for filling in for our regular co-host Terry Daniel. Great job, brother!
Then we dived into the meat & potatoes of FaffCon: the seminars!
In this one the wonderful Jodi Krangle led a discussion on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for voice talents. It was fascinating!
After the Saturday seminars we went on a guided tour of the San Antonio Riverwalk via boat.
That’s me, Peter, Trish, and my dear friend and first-time Faffer Heather Costa on one of the boats. Don’t we look happy?
Sunday was Round Two of seminars, including my session on Time Management. Highlights included scheduling your day ideas, how to set priorities, and me & Diane Maggipinto doing 20 push-ups. Don’t ask.
The rest of the weekend was a delightful flurry of partying until 4AM, many, many hugs goodbye, and being stuck at O’Hare Airport for an extra two hours (but I did have a blast there with Catherine Gaffney and Kathrin Vasilopoulos!
TIP OF THE WEEK: As always, I learned an immeasurable amount about the voiceover industry, the wonderful people that are a part of it, and myself. This year I went in with a few goals both professional and personal. One of the professional goals was to pick a new genre of voiceover and be successful at it. I looked into Video Games, Medical Narrations, and Automotive, among others. Which one did I pick? I’m not quite ready to announce it yet. I still have to do some research but keep an eye out for it. If it goes half as well as when I decided to tackle Explainer Videos I’ll be a very happy FaffCamper!
I have a few milestones in my voiceover career. Joining the Voiceover Bulletin Board, building my home recording studio, attending the first New York VO Mixer, and FaffCon. Everything that came before FaffCon prepared me to have the career I have today. FaffCon helped me realize that I deserve it. It’s been two years since my first FaffCon and I am thankful every day since for being a part of it!

STUFF!: Once again, my best friend Carly Johnstone will be performing as a Moth storyteller! She, along with Andrew Solomon, George Dawes Green, and some other amazing people will blow your mind with true stories told from the heart. The show is sold out but here’s the info so hopefully you can catch the next one.
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere: GKN News…