Hello and Happy Ramadan and St. Jean Baptiste Day! Viva la feasting & fasting!
To continue the celebration of “June is Audio Book Month”, let’s get mushy! This week I’m giving away one free download of the audiobook “Safe Harbor” by acclaimed romance author Judith Arnold (she’s the nice lady that I’m narrating the Daddy School book series for). All you have to do is comment on this blog entry. The first one to comment wins! BTW you need an Audible or Amazon account to download the audiobook. Good luck!
I recently started using Signals to track my emails. It lets you know when your emails were opened and how many times. If you sign up by clicking in this link, we both get a free month! BTW the first 200 notifications are free so you can see if you like it.
I updated my website! I added a video clip from “We Move Animals” and I’m trying something new with the signup form. I have a weekly blog, a newsletter, and a VO Strategist notice. It was becoming a real pain keeping track of all the subscribers so I’m trying to streamline the process. Now you can subscribe to one, two, or all three of them! Or you can unsubscribe to all of them and tell me to go kick rocks, but I’d rather if you didn’t. Please go to my website to see the changes and update your subscription preferences.
I’m happy to report that May was my most lucrative month ever! I was slammed with all kinds of VO work. There are too many wonderful clients and referrers to thank so I’ll just say THANK YOU!!! and leave it at that.
The (sort of) downside is that for the first few weeks of June I was buried in paperwork and I missed quite a few of my “Quadrant Two” Action Plan goals for May. But even someone as anal-retentive as me knows that sometimes you just gotta let that stuff go. BTW did you know that opposite of anal-retentive is anal-explosive? Gross, but true. That’s a Freudian term, that is.
The problem for most people is that they keep letting stuff go when they DO have the time to get it all done, or don’t know HOW to make the time. This is a recurring issue that can be quite frustrating for both new voice talents who are trying to get their career started as well as veteran talents who feel they have lost control of their career.
TIP OF THE WEEK: So how do you take control of your career? I control my career through structure & goal-setting while trying to be flexible & innovative at the same time. Not an easy task, but it can be done. They key is to build a business plan, but not one that is carved in stone which fractures every time you deviate. It needs to be more of a scaffolding, like this…

…but not like this:

One that is modular that you can build upon, but with a strong foundation so you can withstand change while maintaining a changeless core. If you have any questions about how to do that, just let me know!

STUFF!: I watched a new show on BBC America called “Almost Royal”. It’s a Borat-like mock-umentary but instead of a crazy Kazakh, you have two dippy upper-class siblings from the UK touring America. Here’s the trailer. Cheerio!
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere: GKN News…